Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Classic car community

Classical Mool longer more and more fans, both from the parents or from among muda.Memang history of a product can be seen from the car automotive classic cars collected his fans.

This community also has a lot to do much to help the communities of which is to hold social bhakti help victims of natural disasters and routine blood donor program each year.

This activity has been scheduled in several clubs and is also of concern to his fellow members who are less fortunate. read more......................


Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Seaweed Producing Bio-ethanol, Indonesian Sea Large Potential

In the current era, energy use has increased, but the supply of energy, especially fossil energy raw materials are running low. Inventories of crude oil and coal is very limited and takes millions of years to return to form. In addition, fuel derived from petroleum and coal produces pollution and result in global warming. Therefore, we need a renewable energy and an environmentally friendly energy that can overcome the problems of energy and global warming.

One of the renewable energy is energy that made from raw seaweed. Seaweed can be used as bio-ethanol. Caulerpa serrulata and Gracilaria verrucosa is a species of sea grass that can produce bioethanol. This species has a cellulose content that can be hydrolyzed to glucose which can then be converted into bioethanol.
The process of making bioethanol from seaweed that is the preparation of raw materials, which form the process of hydrolysis of starch into glucose. The second stage of the fermentation process, convert glucose into ethanol and CO2. Meanwhile, the third stage of purification by distillation results. But before distillation, it is necessary separation between solids with liquids, to avoid clogging during the process of distillation. Done to separate the ethanol distillation with water. The boiling point of pure ethanol is 78 ° C while the water is 100 ° C for standard conditions. By heating the solution at a temperature range of 78-100 ° C would result in most of the ethanol evaporated, and the condensing units will be produced ethanol with a concentration of 95% volume.
The advantage to develop energy that is made from raw seaweed, seaweed cultivation process does not reduce food agricultural land because land does not require land. In addition, Indonesia as an archipelagic nation, whose land consists of 2 / 3 ocean and has approximately 81,000 km long beach has great potential to cultivate seaweed. Indonesia has a wide area for seaweed culture activities area of ​​1.1109 million ha, but the development new seaweed cultivation area of ​​222,180 ha of land use around 20% of the potential acreage.

Seaweed cultivation process was relatively short because it only requires about 45 days to be harvested. Seaweed productivity is quite high compared to using a cane, cassava, sweet potatoes, and corn as raw material for bioethanol. Seaweed is also doing fontosintesis so it can absorb CO2 gas that causes global warming in the world. So far, global warming pengatasian always associated with tree planting. In fact, the ocean has great potential to help overcome the problem of global warming. Effect of bioethanol from seaweed industry towards alleviating the impact of global warming greater because seaweed ethanol absorb carbon from the air seven times higher than bioethanol from wood.
Seaweed as biodiesel is considered more competitive than other commodities. 1 ha of land seaweed can produce 58,700 liters (30% oil) annually, that number is very large compared to corn which produces 172 liters / year and oil palm produce 5900 liters / year.
Bioethanol from seaweed has proven to be cheaper than the costs and benefits of sugar cane and wood because of faster growth, allowing the harvest up to six times a year. The production costs of bioethanol from seaweed cheaper than wood because the kelp does not contain lignin so that the processing process is not charged by the preliminary treatment process.
Source:yudiprasetyo.info / grass-sea-as-raw-making biofuels /indosmarin.com/2008/11/ri-korea-kembangk...el-dari-rumput-laut /portal.pi-umkm.net/en/opini/quo-vadis-kekayaan-laut.htmlgo-greenergy.blogspot.com/2009/07/rumput...i-bahan-biofuel.htmlrumputlaut.org / Undip-developed materials ba...oetanol-sea-grass /majalahenergi.com / media / Kunena / attachmen...ages / rumput_laut.jpg


Natural zeolite to be used as a catalyst to be activated first, namely through the process of dealumination and calcination. This study aims to do the activation process by studying the influence of zeolite catalytic diameter natural zeolite and NH4Cl on the molarity of the solvent ethanol conversion in the catalytic test with ethanol dehydration process. The study consisted of 3 phases, namely dealumination, calcination and dehydration of ethanol. Variables remained in this research is the weight of catalyst (35 g), catalyst weight ratio (1:1), dealumination time, calcination, and dehydration (each 10 hours, 5 hours and 15 minutes), dealumination temperature, calcination, and dehydration (each - each 90oC, 600oC, and 180oC), and temperature of preparation of each instrument (30-50oC). Meanwhile, changing variables in this study is the diameter of natural zeolite (0.25 mm and 0.6 mm) and molar solvent NH4Cl (2 and 4 M). In the selection of influential variables, mathematical equation: Y = -74.48 + 209.85 33.11 X1 + X2 - 183.08 X12 - 4.58 X22 - X1X2 15.61, with the Y is the conversion of ethanol, X1 is the diameter of natural zeolite, and X2 is the molarity of the solvent NH4Cl.

Environmentally Friendly

Bio-Gasoline: Gasoline Environmentally FriendlyWith the reduction in crude oil resources, the development and use of alternative fuels from renewable natural resources to be one option that is expected to meet the demand for fuel is increasing. In addition, the use of alternative fuels from renewable natural resources also provide a variety of positive impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions more environmentally friendly (especially to reduce greenhouse gases), and the potential for the development of the agricultural industry.One type of alternative fuels from renewable natural resource that is currently widely used is biodiesel. After the development of biodiesel, the development of alternative fuels is also directed to make biogasoline, with component mixtures using bioethanol. This article discusses about biogasoline and its use as a substitute for gasoline from petroleum.
Ethanol and BioethanolEthanol or ethyl alcohol (better known as "alcohol", the chemical symbol C2H5OH) is a colorless liquid with a characteristic such as flammable, water soluble, biodegradable, not carcinogenic, and if there is contamination does not provide a significant environmental impact. The use of ethanol as a fuel of high octane value or octane-enhancing additive in the fuel actually been done since the 19th century. At first the ethanol used to fuel light on the period before the civil war in the United States. Then in 1860 Nikolaus Otto's use of ethanol fuel in developing the Otto cycle engine. Car Model T by Henry Ford, which was launched in 1908 designed to use ethanol fuel or gasoline. But because the price is very high, ethanol can not compete with fuel made from petroleum. Oil prices soared lately makes people come back to consider ethanol to be used as vehicle fuel.There are several ways to use ethanol gasoline mixtures as follows:Hydrous ethanol (95% volume), namely ethanol containing a little water. This mixture was used directly as a substitute for gasoline in vehicles with engines that have been modified.
* Anhydrous ethanol (or Dehydrated ethanol), which is ethanol-free water and most do not have a purity of 99%. Ethanol can be blended with conventional gasoline with levels between 5-85%. In a mixture of gasoline with ethanol between 5-10%, this fuel can be directly used in vehicle engines without any modification. The common mixture used is 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline (known as E10). Mix ethanol with higher levels (85% bioethanol content or known by the name E85) can only be used on machines that have been modified vehicle, known as flexible fuel vehicle. Modifications are generally performed on the vehicle fuel tank and fuel injection system.* Ethanol is also used as raw material for ETBE (ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether), conventional gasoline additive.
Bioethanol is ethanol produced from biomass raw materials such as maize, cassava, sorghum, potatoes, wheat, sugarcane, beet, and also waste biomass such as corn cobs, hay waste, and other vegetable waste. Bioethanol is produced by biochemical technology, through the fermentation process of raw materials, then the ethanol is separated by water produced by distillation and dehydration process.The use of bioethanol as a mixture of biogasoline has advantages as follows:
* Increase the octane number (to replace the TEL as an additive, thus reducing emissions of heavy metals lead)* Generate a more complete combustion (reduce emissions of carbon monoxide)* Reduce exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide (research shows a reduction up to 40-80%), and sulfur compounds (reducing acid rain)
Bioethanol ProductionBioethanol is produced from biomass by the hydrolysis and fermentation of sugar. Biomass contains carbohydrate polymers in the form of cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin. To produce sugars from biomass, biomass is processed using acid and enzymes. Cellulose and hemi-cellulose hydrolyzed into sucrose, and then fermented into ethanol.Fermentation of sugar into ethanol is done by adding yeast (yeast). Yeast contains the enzyme invertase, which acts as a catalyst to convert sucrose into glucose and fructose (C6H12O6). Fructose and glucose zymase then reacts with the enzyme that converts fructose and glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The fermentation process lasts for 3 days and takes place at temperatures of 250-300 ° C. Ethanol is produced from the fermentation process and then separated from water using a distillation process.To produce 1000 liters of bioethanol, is required for each type of biomass raw materials as follows:
* Corn 2300 kg* 2800 kg Wheat* 10000 kg of sugar beet* Sugarcane 13 000 kg

Technology Know Your Gasoline Engine Injection System

JAKARTA, TUESDAY - All new cars are manufactured and sold today in Indonesia is already using technology to supply the fuel injection. Old technology, namely Carburizing (appliance called a carburetor) have been evicted. If any cars still use carburetors, are the remnants of time has elapsed.

Injection of birth, in accordance with tutuntan era. To keep the environment clean and fuel consumption can also be more economical. Injection system developed by stages. He's also already reached 40 years.
Initially the 1967an, Bosch is working with Mercedes-Benz to produce cars with mechanical injection systems for gasoline engines. In the early 1980s, with the development of computer technology, fuel injection system is also changing. No longer works mechanically, but electromechanical. Injection system is equipped with a computer which is the 'brain' to manage its work.
Injection system that is widely used now is a transition period to the most recent. In most car engines today, injektornya located at the mouth into the engine combustion chamber or close to the suction valve. As a result, each cylinder uses a single injector. Because it also called the manufacturer of injection system with multipoint injection (MPI). Earlier in the 1980s), there are also called Throttle Body Injection, injector used one and installed in places that usually inhabited by the carburetor.
GDI is the latest injection, gasoline direct injection. This system has also been used in some particular brand in Indonesia that included the CBU. At GDI, injector nozzle inside the combustion chamber. In this way the fuel is sprayed directly into the combustion chamber. This method is similar to that used in today's diesel engines (direct injection).
SensorsWith the injection system, engine work much more efficiently because there are not many uses mechanical components to control the supply of machinery and fuel. Treatment is also more easily! However, to handle the maintenance and disruption, it takes a mechanic with the ability to think better. Because the computer is used control the injection system and ignition system, have a link or the rigging with components and other parts of the machine.
With the injection system is electronically controlled, the machine is able to adapt to work efficiently and effectively in accordance with environmental conditions. For example, based on changes in temperature, humidity, altitude, engine or vehicle load, speed, fuel type and so forth. For this, the system is equipped with sensing devices or sensors plus a switch that then sends the information to the brain machine called the Engine Control Module (ECM) or Engine Control Unit (ECU). Zul